Season’s Greetings
Wishing you all the best and peaceful Christmas, Harpo Team <br /><br />
Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Did you know why our Braille Whisperer is called “Mountbatten”? Here is the story: It starts back in 1979 after the death of Earl Mountbatten of Burma (more here:…/Louis_Mountbatten,_1st_Earl_Moun…). Those, who wanted to commemorate Lord Mountbatten’s life, have established The Mountbatten Memorial Trust; one of its purposes is “grants given to assist technological research aimed at assisting disabled people throughout the world”. The engineering department at Royal National College for the Blind in Hereford applied for a grant to develop … Read more
Speech2Go software released
Speech2Go Converts any text to human-like speech very simple and intuitive comes in packages with IVONA voices drag and drop your digital text files to convert them to portable audio files many languages and many voices read multi-page contracts, blog articles, children’s books or anything else you need to 30 day trial free upgrades life-time license Now released! More details here
Mountbatten Brailler Carry Case
Now available! Standard with any purchase of Mountbatten Braille Whisperer. Mountbatten dressed up Mountbatten Brailler is changing for you. Not only inside but also outside. As its popularity grows, especially after it became the first hard-copy Braille device with Smart Bluetooth, the time came to clad it in a padded carry case that both protects it from any incidental hits and bumps but also makes it even more portable. The case is made of high quality fabric and features … Read more
Mountbatten Braille Whisperer
Mountbatten Braille Whisperer braille miracle under your fingers Your Whisperer: Quiet Long lasting battery Light touch keyboard Speech output PC/Mac connectivity via USB iOS/Android connectivity via Bluetooth Direct QWERTY keyboard input MB-Comm/MBMimic apps Carry Case included
Jaws 15 supports all the functions in BraillePen 12 (Touch)
Many of you have been awaiting this news. We are happy to announce that Jaws 15 (32-bit and 64-bit) supports in full functions of the BraillePen 12. Harpo signed up for the Signed Driver Program required by FreedomScientific to create a BraillePen 12 (Touch) driver that allows users to navigate Windows machines with Jaws installed on it. The driver also lets users control Jaws settings using various BraillePen 12 (Touch) keystrokes. Further information, including all the keystrokes and the driver … Read more
BraillePen 12 Touch at your finger tip (really)
One hand – not a problem; one finger – not an issue either. The BraillePen 12 Touch is ready to be at your service in any situation. The One-Handed Mode (OHM) is so powerful and flexible that lets you interact with your BP12T and subsequently with your external device using only one hand or just one finger. You choose if you want to press one key at a time, or several ones in one go. Whether you are navigating your … Read more
Mountbatten Bluetooth Extension Module
Upgrade Your Mountbatten to be Bluetooth Smart! The Mountbatten (Writer Plus, Pro, LS) has a new feature, the low energy Bluetooth. Thanks to this addition it can talk now with a variety of iOS devices. Some of you may be concerned about your current units. Does it mean you cannot take advantage of this great feature? Worry not! We don’t want any Mountbatten user to miss a thing. With the Mountbatten Bluetooth Expansion Module you can magically convert your regular … Read more